About me
When you will just whisper a fragile thought, no one will probably hear you, but when you express the same thought in porcelain clay, you have a relatively good chance that people around you will understand it.
This is probably the main reason why it draws me to work with this material because it is so easy to communicate through it and certainly also because the output does not disappear with the pressed off button.
In my work, I combine ceramic craft, applied art and slow design. It's hard to guess where all these disciplines start and end, right?
For example, in the project of porcelain figurines Mascots, I portrayed myself in three life situations, which I often struggled with and felt like a Pierrot of today - inappropriate and distant from all events. The figures with the subtitle "DIY of their own embarrassment" carry costumes that look like they were created by a larger do-it-yourselfer... Here I'm holding a Fly Agaric that stays for the feeling that not everything that looks charming is edible.
Together with Aylin Irfanová, we founded Studio Wrinkle during our studies at the Faculty of Art and Design at UJEP in the Ceramics Design Studio. Our studio is characterized by slow design projects inspired by re-circulation and recycling. Most of my works are still created under this brand, others find their place in this world only under my name. I create these in our Prague Ateliér B114 in Prague's Žižkov. I would like to welcome you there! Please, write to me, so we can get in touch!