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The porcelain vase decorated with daisies hides a subtle phrase that is revealed through reading the flower.

A large vase bears a verbal expression based on culturally composed phrases associated with the meaning of daisies in the variants:

U P S Y -  D A I S Y  (na fotografii)
P U S H I N G  U P  D A I S I E S
C O  K  S L E P I C I  K U Ř Á T K A 
M Í S T O  B E R U Š K Y

Upsy-daisy is an expression of assurance, commonly said when someone, especially a child stumbles or is lifted.

The Celtic legend says that whenever an infant dies, the daisy will bloom on its grave. In Anglo-Saxon culture, the connection of pushing up daisies, or "Daisy pushing", is used to look at the world through the eyes of the deceased. The inscription UPSY-DAISY on the weight points to the double inseparable concepts included under the phrase waiting to be revealed by the reading of the"Daisy alphabet".

In the Czech fairy tale book called "Beetles" - commonly, a white daisy grows over the grave of a beetle. It is the white daisy in the case of the male and the daisy with pink edges in the case of the female.  

My childhood was full of searching for daisies with pink edges.

Daisies and their meanings in our cultures speak to us in the language articulating constant regeneration (transformation) between life and death.

The small vases with punctuation marks complement the collection because sometimes those say the most.

Photo: Hana Kubrichtová

Created during: Keep in Touch 2022 with theme Talking Flowers na Faculty of Art and Design, JEPU 

Special thanks: Faculty of Environment, JEPU 

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